Creativity In Art Can Be A Powerful Tool For Managing Mental Health.
30th January 2023
Infusing Elegance into Everyday Living with Fine Art Designs
15th November 2023
I Am A Creative Woman – What About You?
I am a person - like most of my readers and followers, I am a woman; an adult female.
What do I do?
All sorts of stuff!
And you? What do You do?
Is it (whatever you do) flowing with ease, or is it running dry?
Why did I transition from artist and writer to Life coach and then back to artist, writer, gatherer of other talented people and still be coach and mentor?
It seems, that like SO many of you, I am always searching for new ways to Innovate expression and to connect.
When I worked solely as an artist – the pressure of needing to earn money meant that I forgot how to paint for me, the connection with my inner artistry dwindled, and my river of creativity ran dry.
When I worked solely as a writer, I was fulfilled and yet exhausted and longed for connection time with other people.
When I worked solely as a Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, I expressed myself via words and connection with my clients. I got to a point as a coach that I realized I was not feeling as fulfilled as I had imagined I would and... much to my despair - my words began to run dry and I felt heavy, depleted, and tired.
After much soul searching and guidance from people near and SO dear to me, I could see that I had been neglecting a vital part of myself. The part of me that I had neglected was my creativity just for the sake of my own creativity. Although the words I used as a coach required creativity daily, those words were uttered always for the benefit of others and after a while... my river of words began to run dry and my feeling of connection with myself felt faded and almost lost at some points.
Although this has been a challenging time, it has also been for me a beautiful journey that has reminded me of the important role that creativity plays in emotional wellness, mental health and - to put it plainly - living joyfully!
I believe that each and every human being is blessed with the ability to create and as such - we are ALL creators!
What do You do?
Do You ever allow yourself to be immersed in your creativity in any way?
Perhaps you believe that you are just a statistician, or an accountant (although MANY accountants throughout history have been VERY creative), or a quantity surveyor - the type if person who deals only with real numbers and real facts rather than the creative "fluffy stuff"?
If that is you... then my message to you remains the same... Each and every human being is blessed with the ability to create and as such - we are ALL creators! I also believe - that just as we are created as creators - then so it is our duty (not just our right) to fulfil that creative role in this beautiful life that we are so blessed to experience.
Yes… You are a creator!
Yes, you ARE creative!
The problem is that we all become stuck in the same old lines:
"I am no good at this
I can’t draw a stick man
I can’t sing a note in tune
I have no imagination"
Oh FFS - will you tell those voices to "shut the F**k up for goodness sake! You don't need to do this for ANYONE else - fill your OWN cup FIRST this time, so that you may offer more than just an empty vessel to those that you love!
Perhaps you love gardening, perhaps you love to tell stories, maybe for you - singing in the shower is what makes you happy (even if nobody else likes the way you sing.... SO WHAT – dial up your volume and sing anyway)! Whether it is decorating your home, arranging flowers, writing poetry, coloring in pictures or mandalas, or writing a short story that has been lurking in your mind - whatever it is... bless yourself with the therapy of creativity!
You don't have to do this for ANYONE else, nobody else has to see, hear, read, or make comment - just create and have fun... for YOU! You deserve it, you will enjoy it and so why wouldn't you?
- Fiona Burdett